Sunday, September 4, 2011

Quotable Djurdjevic

     There is an excellent online article that Marko has linked to from his official studio website that gives a lot of information on his background. Marko generously provides much insight into what shaped him into the artistic giant he has become. The article is at If you haven't seen it yet and you have ANY curiosity about the man behind the masterpieces do yourself a favor and click on the link NOW!
      Marko Djurdjevic has repeatedly proven that he can convey any message he chooses to with his art. He is also able to inspire and illuminate with words. I hope that doesn't mind if I share just three of Marko's many quotes from their article:

“If you’re ambitious enough to put the hours in to your work it really doesn’t matter if you are self-taught or go to art school.”

“To understand an artist one has to see his body of work as a whole and concentrate on the most insignificant details.”

“The outcome of every stroke I put down on paper will always be the same – a window into the man I am.”

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